Sunday, October 14, 2012

The PE1 Reflection...

きょうはにちようびです。So, PE1 has come to a conclusion!  Working towards my goal this cycle has been a lot of work, but it has also been a lot of fun!
For PE1, my overall goal was Listening and Comprehending.
I wanted to be able to break down typical, fast-paced Japanese conversation from an unbroken string of sounds and pitch into individual words that I could then understand.
To do so, my methods were to attend all Japanese Language Tables, watch at least two episodes of subbed anime a week, and to work with lyrics to Japanese songs to study how what I heard in the song was actually written.
In this cycle, I managed to successfully follow two out of three methods towards my goal.  I scribed at least five Japanese songs a week, and I watched at least two subbed episodes weekly.  However, I was unable to attend any of the Japanese Language Tables after having to take a working shift on those afternoons, which makes me really sad. T_T
Even with only pursuing two methods to my goal, I would say my goal has been reached!  I find that I can better separate Japanese conversation into words and with far greater accuracy!  I still have trouble with some sounds, such as ひ vs. い and ら vs. な, and sometimes its hard to separate particles from the words, but overall, I have succeeded at my PE1 Goal!!!
PE2 is up next...  Until then...

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